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Sufism, Culture, and Politics: Afghans and Islam in Medieval North India
by Raziuddin Aquil
Binding: Paperback
Author: Raziuddin Aquil
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Results Sufism, Culture, and Politics: Afghans and Islam in Medieval North India
Sufism Culture and Politics Afghans and Islam in In Sufism Culture and Politics Afghans and Islam in Medieval North India Raziuddin Aquil contributes a significant and useful reappraisal of Lodi and Sur Afghan sovereignty and offers new insight into the relationships between the Afghan rulers and the religious elites—particularly the Muslim mystics—of the period Sufism Culture and Politics Afghans and Islam in Focussing on interconnections between religion and politics it examines the problem of sovereignty and governance as well as raises questions of paramount concern to an understanding of Islam in medieval north India Sufism Culture and Politics Afghans and Islam in This book provides a political history of north India under Afghan rulers in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries Focusing on interconnections between religion and politics it also raises questions of paramount concern to an understanding of Islam in medieval north India The first of Sufism Culture and Politics Afghans and Islam in Download Citation on ResearchGate Sufism Culture and Politics Afghans and Islam in Medieval North India This book provides an uptodate political history of north India under the Lodi and Sufism culture and politics Afghans and Islam in Get this from a library Sufism culture and politics Afghans and Islam in medieval North India Raziuddin Aquil This book makes an innovative and original intervention in the existing debates on the questions of medieval politics patterns of governance as well as the relationship between politics Islam and Sufism Culture and Politics Afghans and Islam in This book provides a political history of north India under Afghan rulers in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries Focusing on interconnections between religion and politics it also raises questions of paramount concern to an understanding of Islam in medieval north India Sufism culture and politics Afghans and Islam in Get this from a library Sufism culture and politics Afghans and Islam in medieval North India Raziuddin Aquil Sufism Culture and Politics Afghans and Islam in This book provides a political history of north India under Afghan rulers in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries Focusing on interconnections between religion and politics it also raises questions of paramount concern to an understanding of Islam in medieval north India Sufism Culture and Politics Afghans and Islam in Strongly grounded in Persian manuscripts many of them unpublished this book makes an innovative and original intervention in the existing debates on the questions of medieval politics patterns of governance as well as the relationship between politics Islam and Muslim religious leaders